Saturday, January 1, 2011

ADHD... it's not just for kids any more!

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is widely (some think too much so) diagnosed in school-aged children.  Far more boys are diagnosed with ADHD than girls.  Increasingly, adults are diagnosed with this complex disorder.

As with many psychological conditions, symptoms present themselves in a fashion that varies from person to person.  The key behaviors are short attention span, impulsiveness and hyperactivity.

Most children are treated with pharmaceuticals.  Adults tend to avoid seeking professional help for what they see as simply being a part of their personality.

There appears to be some connection or correlation between ADHD and other personality "traits" such as autism, substance abuse and bipolar disorder.

I'm one of those adults.  I definitely exhibit mild  symptoms, especially impulsiveness and short attention span.  And they can be negatives, especially when I need to be focused on one important thing.  On the other hand, I've learned to embrace certain traits.  For example, I aggressively seek out  new experiences, new knowledge and new ways of doing things.

There are pros and cons to my mild ADHD:

Pro:  Open to new ideas
Con:  Never satisfied with the established way of doing things

Pro:  Can handle wide variety of challenges
Con:  Jack of all trades, master of none

Pro:  Interested in huge range of topics
Con:  Never learn enough to become an expert in any one area - always moving on to next interesting thing ("Oooh!  Shiny!")

Pro:  Can juggle multiple tasks
Con:  Constantly switching from one thing to another mid-job.

While I've been writing this, I've also checked my e-mail, made coffee, put on warm socks, read the news and brushed my teeth.  The number one thing I mutter to myself is "Focus, damnit!"

But... I love my ADHD.  I wouldn't be me without it.

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